A mythical and magical journey, started by one and carried on by another.
Most is true, just shrouded in the mythical realm.
Tales of the Great Gumba, his Bride Kerry the Bard, and a large assortment of many Immortals and Lessor Hoardes, his life in the Great Northron Regions and all that happens therein.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 

Golden Flocks and Wet Noses

Love is universal, it transcends time, distance, race, religion and all of the seven deadly sins.

Immortals love stronger than mortals for we have more time to love, more time to enjoy the emotions and companionship that love brings us.
We as Immortals, love stronger, for we know that the next battle could be our last. This is not to say we are better in any way, in fact in some ways this is a curse.

For when we lose someone who is dear to us we grieve most languishly.
No quantum of solice for Immortals, for we are who we are.

Why do I speak of such?
The Immortals have lost a dear and beloved great beast, the protectorate of the Red Princes castle and of the Otter Queen and the little curmudgeons.

Today we celebrate the life of Bailey, the golden haired great beast who was always smiling.
Always ready with a wag of her tail and a touch of her cold and wet nose, ready to comfort and to snuggle with those she loved and protected.

A quiet dog, never barking unless necessary, just being.
A silent, vigilant beast, with caring and compassion in her heart and eyes.

The Gumba remembers when the golden flocked one came to the Mans Fields of dreams, it was a joyous day, a day the Red Prince waited for, for a long time.
Why did he wait? For great beasts choose their masters, not the other way around.
They were a perfect match for each other, she would calm him and make him laugh when he needed it most.

For over 111 years, Bailey guarded the castle and hearts of those she loved.

For all that is good, all that is great, nothing can compare to the love of a great beast to his or her master, for they would lay down their life without hesitation to protect the ones they love.

Your name shall reside in the Red Book for Eternity,

"Bailey, protectorate of The Castle of Gray Meadows".

You will be missed, always loved and remembered fondly, always.

One day we shall meet again, play fetch and ride and walk along the shores of Vallhalla.

Long live the Red Prince, Otter Queen and all whom hold them dear.




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