The sky was clear and the moon was full.
The Lunar light danced upon the snow covered trees and the ground was a glisten with what looked like diamonds.
Gumba was indeed a rich man, he had his Bard, the Great Beasts and many
wondrous friends.
In the distance, a
very low drone could be heard over the singing of the winter birds.
The drone grew louder and louder until a great shadow went screaming
across the lands of the Great
The shadow was of the
davinci flying machine, piloted by none other than Lord
Complo, master of the skies.
He flew low over the tree tops, the wind fighting against the great machine.
The animals scurrying to and fro, not knowing what to do.
At last the great machine fluttered to a stop upon a
hill some 50 feet from Castle
Out stepped Lord
Tis good to see you my friend, said the
Gumba. Good to see you also my friend, said Lord
They retired through the gates of the castle to talk about old times and talk about plans for new adventures.........
The plot thickens..............
Long live Lord
ComploLong live Fair Lady Riguez
Huzzah to the
Southron Regions
Long live the Great
Gumba and Kerry the Bard.
sayeth the Great White Sage of the
Northron Regions