Tis the Eve of Eve's anew.
A time of starting over, a time of new and exciting things.
A time for reconciliation with oneself and with others.
Eve's anew at Castle
Catalano has had many incarnations.
rollicking full blown feasts, to quiet evenings with the Great Beasts and the fire.
Gumba and Bard are truly blessed, to have so many friends and family to have close at hand when needed or wanted.
Measure a man not by his wealth but by how many call him friend.
Tonight, the feasting fires will be lit, all are
welcome to attend, for tonight is Eve's anew, a time of wonderment, a time of joy.
Slabs of flesh will be put upon the fires and some green leafy things as well for those who do not wish to partake of the flesh.
The Great Beasts will protect all, this Eve, for the spirits of the woods, will be dancing about, trying to take souls to the
nether worlds this Eve.
Beware the wood sprites, and the nymphs, for they will take your soul if you let them.
Feast well, drink much, enjoy the people around you, for the battle still rages and wars need to be won. Live long, long
enough to outlive your enemy!!
Huzzah to Eve's Anew.
Long live the Great
Gumba and Kerry the Bard.