The feast of giving thanks has come and gone and the Yule is approaching like a white tiger stalking its pray.
The winter winds have howled briefly in the great Northron regions, but not with the voracity of what shall surely come.
The Great Gumba has become counsel to a conglomerate of countries known as the Reenaays, a group of countries that wishes to further peace and merriment through out the known lands. The Gumba wishes to teach them how to feast properly,
ahhhh yeees, feasting, slurp, slurp yummy anyway I digress.
Hmmmmm turkey)
His castle is drafty and in need of repair, he will get to it soon enough.
The Red Prince and Otter queen have journeyed to the farthest of the Southron regions and are greatly missed. The Gumba and his Bard wish them great tidings and peace, hopefully we will visit soon.
Prince Loughdaugh and the Gumba have reached some kind of solstice, although the Gumba is still puzzled about all the frackus!
The journeys of late have been hard, not enough gold for everyone to go around. The Gumba thinks he will have to raid a neighboring land and pillage for some extra, yes that sounds good. The sound of battle, the smell of blood, the clang of steel, the laments of the conquered mens, women.
AHHHHH How the Gumba misses battle, soon tho, battle for all.
The Bard is happy and well, singing lovely songs as usual.
The Hounds are well fed and happy.
Katherine of Khatadin has a new suitor, a warrior from the Highlands of the great lands of Scotts. A warrior from the Clam, CAMP BELL. A proud clan, warriors one and all.
Aye, and they be drinkers as well. Never has the Gumba met someone who can best the Gumba at drinking, until now.
The winter wizard is coming soon and preparations are under way for much feasting and merriment.
Much to be written, much to be told.
Till then
So Sayeth the Great White Sage of the Northron Regions.