A mythical and magical journey, started by one and carried on by another.
Most is true, just shrouded in the mythical realm.
Tales of the Great Gumba, his Bride Kerry the Bard, and a large assortment of many Immortals and Lessor Hoardes, his life in the Great Northron Regions and all that happens therein.

Friday, January 13, 2006 

A Tale from the Bards Perspective.

The Red Book is a Journal of the life and adventures of the Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard. It is a compilation of stories over many years, most of which reside in the real Red Book. Yes it exists, A Red Leather Bound Book, With Parchment pages scribed by the Gray Sage of the Mans Fields of Dreams. A copy resides in the capable hands of the Great White Sage of the Northron regions.
Every once in a while a long lost tale bubbles up from the depths of purgatory, a tale created but never written. A tale written but never recorded.

Following is one such tale:

A Tale from the Bards Perspective:

For many many glorious years The Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard lived an enchanted life, which they shared joyously with their very dearest friends, The Red Prince, Otter Queen, The Otter Princess, Sapphire Sue, Dark Roger, Catherine of Khatadin, Karen the Procreator and The Star of David.

The Feasts and revelry enjoyed by all were many, often and great. This was to change very suddenly for these great friends. For unknown to all a very LARGE DARK CLOUD would envelope and overwhelm The Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard on their path to share another mighty feast with their friends.
This very LARGE DARK CLOUD made the path, which the Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard traveled towards their very dear friends, almost impossible to follow.

The LARGE DARK CLOUD carried a very dark, powerful, angry, spell, which would overtake and enslave The Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard. They both fought against the spell of angry enslavement, but it was to fast and insidious for them to destroy.
For this spell was created by the White Haired Hermit and Racing Ma, not intentionally mind you, but from the anger and fear they felt as the darkness crept in.
The bond between The Great Gumba and The White Haired Hermit and Racing Ma was so deep and entangled, that it was almost impossible for the Great Gumba to break.

To the Horror of all their great friends, the Gumba and Bard simply vanished without a clue as to what had happened to them. Their great friends thought they could hear the HOWL of the Great Gumba and tried to follow the sound of this awful noise, but to no avail. Although they would try and try to find their great friends in order that they may help them through, what they knew deep in their hearts, was something horrific, the cloud of darkness was to strong even for them.
They despaired for their friends, for they knew if this ANGRY CLOUD OF DARKNESS was strong enough to hold the likes of the Mighty Immortals, how could this spell be fought?

Kerry the Bard was not completely taken by this spell, this ANGRY DARK CLOUD, but if the spell had been cast by only one, she could have sung her songs of love and devotion to her beloved Gumba and win against this awful battle of souls.
Alas, the spell cast by both, was to strong for her to break alone.
With despair, the Bard continued to try to release her beloved and not more than once, wished her beloved friend the Otter Queen could be by her side.
For the Bard knew that with her great friend by her side they could battle this horrendous spell together as one.
For those who do not know, unlike the Bard, the otter Queens Harangue of Horror could break almost any spell cast by mortal or immortal alike, no matter how strong.

Alas, it was not to be. The Cloud of Darkness was to strong; even the Bards melodic tones of calling could not be heard by the Otter Queen. Although it is said that every once in a while, The Otter Queen would think she heard her friends song on the wind. She tried and tried to listen, to pinpoint, but no, it was not to be. The Dark Cloud was to string and would summon mighty winds to Wisk away the Bards sons of calling as if they never were.

The White Haired Hermit and Racing Ma (Dubbed Raging Ma by the Bard) made sure the Cloud of Darkness remained Large and Dark, erstwhile enslaving the Gumba and Bard in the castle of horror with no way of contacting their dear friends for help.

The Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard knew that, together, they could and would be able to battle the CLOUD OF DARKNESS and eventually win against its dark horror.
For as all their friends know the love that the Gumba and his Bard share is a very strong and unbreakable bond, for they are bound together by their souls.
This made their love stronger than any spell could ever be, no matter whom or what had created it.

This great battle fought between soul mates and THE CLOUD OF DARKNESS was long and fiercely fought by the Gumba and his Bard. As the battle wore on the wounds to the Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard became deep and started to fester with the stink of death, deep enough to cause most Immortal souls to pass from this world, but the Gumba and Bard are not like most Immortals, as well as their great friends knew, for their souls are bound and entwined with each other.

The Battle raged, the Cloud of Darkness grew and waned, the Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard held together as one with their souls entwined and the knowledge that their dearest friends where all waiting for the mighty Immortals to return to them.

With each new day the Gumba and Bard would renew their fight against the the DARK CLOUD with new fierceness, because not only did the memories of what once was, shared with other mighty Immortals give them strength, but the strength of the cloud seemed to be weakening.

With each day, a beautiful golden mist could be seen in the very far away horizon.
The same horizon that the Gumba and his Bard now remembered, was where the Castle of Grey Meadows in the Mans Field of Dreams lie, and where their mighty and dear friends awaited their return.
The CLOUD OF DARKNESS was weakening, two long years they had fought, side by side, gnashing, gnarling and singing.

One morning the Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard awoke to a very eerie quiet. The great bond of the spell which held the Great Gumba to The White Haired Hermit and Racing Ma had been dispelled and was no longer capable of drowning out the Bards song of love and devotion to her beloved Gumba, nor the calling to their great friends.

Alas, the Great Gumbas and Kerry the Bards wounds were deep and near fatal. The Bard knew she was very close to losing her beloved Great Gumba. Once again the Bard wished her friends where here to help her with the Great Gumba, to pull him back from the illness that was enveloping him into darkness. The same darkness that entrapped them both.

This was not to be as of yet. With each day that the Bard nursed her beloved Gumba and herself back to health, the Bard became aware that her songs were beginning to make the cloud of darkness begin to disperse. This was due to the White haired Hermits ability to keep his magic strong without the Racing Ma beside him.
The weaker the white Haired Hermit became, the clearer the skies became and the Great Gumba and the Bards path to the Castle of Gray Meadows and their friends became clear.

The Great Gumba and Kerry the Bards wounds were such that they needed much time to heal.

As the Day of the Great feast of Passover grew near, the Gumba and Bard look forward to their reunion with the Red Prince and Clan.

The Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard hoped their battles have not kept them too long from their great friends or the wounds they endure have not changed them overly much.

May the Feast of Passover be full of Love, forgiveness and happiness for all. May the paths that we all take from the Feast of Passover always bring us back to each other as our lives are surely meant to do and only with good tidings, love and happiness for all.


So sayeth Kerry the Bard.



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