A mythical and magical journey, started by one and carried on by another.
Most is true, just shrouded in the mythical realm.
Tales of the Great Gumba, his Bride Kerry the Bard, and a large assortment of many Immortals and Lessor Hoardes, his life in the Great Northron Regions and all that happens therein.

Thursday, December 22, 2005 

Winter Solstice

Misty, Magical, Maudlin Day.
Tis the winter solstice,the shortest day of the year. The time of season that marks the begining of longer days. The hope of new light, the coming of spring and the rebirth of the mother earth.

The Great Gumba sat and watched the great beasts run and frolic in the new fallen snow. Such a wondurous sight, the guardians of Castle Catalano, acting like carefree children, sticking their dark faces deep into the snow and reapearing all white and frosty.

The Solstice is upon us, he thought, a time for new beginings.
The council of twelve have granted the Great Gumba his respit, all that was and had beleagered the Gumba was at last gone.
Racing Ma and the White Haired Hermit are remebered fondly. Friends come forth and celebrate. The final chapter from the Mans Fields of Dreams was at last closed.

The great Owl has appeared to the Gumba yet again, to tell of great fortune and happiness that awaits the Gumba and his Bard. A new year awaits.
A great weight has been lifted from the Gumbas shoulders.

Solstice, a time of light, time to burn the Yule, time for the evergreens and the mighty oak, holly and ivy and all the symbols of light and warmth.

A time of family, friends and hope. What a wondurous time of year.

The Druids lit a large fire, fueled by the Yule log, covered in evergreen boughs and wine. They danced and chanted. They climbed tall oak trees and cut mistletoe with a golden knife, being careful not to drop the branch to the ground. The berries, once squeezed, resemble that of the fruit of life, reveared by the Romans for centuries as a great aphrodisiac, when mixed properly with other herbs.

Acorns creating the sacred circle around the yule fire, keeping the evil spirits at bay.

The Gumba looked forward to the lighting of the Yule, for it brought him happiness.
The season of giving, of love and hope.

To all who celebrate this season, be you Druid, Christian, Jewish, Wiccan, Muslim, Orthadox, Celtic, Pagan or Athiest, Remember the Yule, for it's light shines like a beacon for all who will look to it for a path. It cares not whom you worship, it cares that you can see your path clearly and safely.

Raise a flaggon, toast the season, your family and friends.


So Sayeth the Great White Sage of the Northron Regions.



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