A mythical and magical journey, started by one and carried on by another.
Most is true, just shrouded in the mythical realm.
Tales of the Great Gumba, his Bride Kerry the Bard, and a large assortment of many Immortals and Lessor Hoardes, his life in the Great Northron Regions and all that happens therein.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 

The Surprise! (Part 3)

Our Merry Band headed out from the Great Wells of the Works of Water towards the place of boat landings, for what the Gumba thought was a quiet evening of dining with friends.

When our troop arrived the only tables were upstairs, this puzzled the Gumba, but none the less he took point and rambled up the stairs.
The top of the stairs were dark, why thought the Gumba, would they send us to a dark part to eat, could the food be that bad, that they did not want you to see it?

All at once many torches were lit and the room erupted in a thunderous HUZZAH, mortal and immortal alike stood and welcomed the Gumba to his surprise party.
The Bard had outdone herself, people had traveled far and wide to the Great Northron region to help the Gumba celebrate, and the surprise was kept until the final moment.

Now this is a feat unto itself, for the Gumba sees and hears all in the Northron Region, not one lessor hoarde had slipped, no mortal gave it away, not even the Immortals, who often gossip, gave it away.

The Great hall was filled to capacity, along one whole wall stood the feasting tables, food, food, and more food. Feasting is good!!!

The Bar Wench saunterd up to the Great Gumba, and with bussoms heaving, asked the Great Gumba what he would like to drink, he replied, a Tea from the Cape of Fishes.

This is where the rest of the evening gets fuzzy, the Gumba knows he feasted and he danced, yes the Gumba danced and gyrated with the Bard and the Otter Queen and any other young lass who would dance with him. The Gumba remembers opening gifts.

The Red Prince and Otter Queen made a magical copy of the original Red Book and presented it with much fanfare to the Great Gumba, all the tales from the Mans Field of Dreams were their, all the battles, all the trials, Floyd the Destroyer, Homer with blazen red hair, arms like tree trunks, not a man like you or I, The pillow biters, Mage Jim, The feasts of Antioch, the Faires of King Richard, Lord Simone, The Horrible Horang of Horror, and so much more. The Red Book was now in the Great Northron Region and in the Mans Field of Dreams, twas a glorious thing.

The Lovely Kerry the Bard, presented her mate with a magical wrist chain made of the finest Elvin Gold, a gift fit for an Immortal. The Gumba had traded his original wrist chain of elvin gold to the ferryman, payment for Racing ma's safe passage to the netherworld. This was a glorious gift and meant much to the Gumba.

To all who came and celebrated, to all who helped Kerry the Bard, to all who just call the gumba friend.

Thank You.

Huzzah to Kerry the Bard. Long may she live and prosper.

So sayeth the Great White Sage of the Northron Region



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