A mythical and magical journey, started by one and carried on by another.
Most is true, just shrouded in the mythical realm.
Tales of the Great Gumba, his Bride Kerry the Bard, and a large assortment of many Immortals and Lessor Hoardes, his life in the Great Northron Regions and all that happens therein.

Friday, December 30, 2005 

Eve's Anew

Serenity, Silence, Peace.

These are the words which describe Castle Catalano this time of year.
The snow has already fallen, blanketing the ground with a white cover of softness, quieting the woods and all who inhabit them.

On this evening the Gumba and his Bard make ready to travel to the Mans Fields Of Dreams, as they scurry about the great beasts wish to go out and play. The Gumba dons his winter skins and him and the great beasts enter the quite of the woods.

The sounds of footfalls of the great beasts are all that are heard echoing in the great whiteness.

A movement, high in the branches, the great beasts stop and stare, the Gumba looks, it is the Great Owl, returned once again to spread wisdom and happiness to the Gumba and his Bard.

In a flash, he spreads his wings and silenlty floats into the woods.

Like the passing of time, silent but present. Movement without effort.
Another year passes, trials passed, friends made, feasts aplenty.

To another Eve's Anew.


So sayeth the Great White Sage of the Northron Region.



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