A mythical and magical journey, started by one and carried on by another.
Most is true, just shrouded in the mythical realm.
Tales of the Great Gumba, his Bride Kerry the Bard, and a large assortment of many Immortals and Lessor Hoardes, his life in the Great Northron Regions and all that happens therein.

Monday, May 02, 2005 

Day of the Bard

The Day of the Bard.

Immortals usually do not celebrate birthdays, however. Like the Great Gumba, Kerry the Bard does, and with all celebrations at Castle Catalano, it is a feast.

The lesser hoards have been invited to the great wells of the works of water, where the ale will flow through the ice caves to the brass spigots into the mugs, that shall be drank by the Gumba and his Bard.

Tis a joyous day, for on this day, millennia ago, the Bard was born.
Neither herself nor the Gumba, would have known they would be together.
But today, the world rejoices, for the Bard and her kin, have graced the world with kindness and love.
Kerry the Bard, Catherine of Khatadin and Golden Judy, all have contributed to the wellness and well being of the world known to all as the land of the immortals.

Much has been written, and much more, will be written, about the exploits of Kerry the Bard, her magical lyre and the music, which soothes the Great Gumba.
Her boundless beauty and ageless wisdom, all that she is and all that she has become, together form the foundation of what she truly is, The Bard, companion to the Great Gumba and vice versa, warrior when need be, mediator when called upon, mostly just one of the most loving and compassionate immortals to ever walk the earth.
The Beauty of Venus, the wisdom of Zeus, the prowess of Aphrodite all together to become, Kerry the Bard.

Long life to Kerry the Bard, wisdom and health, for together, Kerry the Bard and the Great Gumba are a match for any Mortal or Immortal, for they have a bond that none can put asunder, LOVE.

Huzzah to Kerry the Bard.
Live Long, Live Well.

So Sayeth the Great White Sage.

Huzzah to the Bard,
Get your tankard at hand,
Start roasting the pig,
And strike up the band!

We'll all toast with cheer
the day of her birth,
and with goose, game, and ale
we'll add to our girth!

So sing with with dames,
and sing with me boys,
for to have the right woman
is one of lifes joys.

'Til the embers burn cold,
at the change of the guard,
we'll toast and we'll feast
for Ghumba and Bard

"The minstrel without residence"
Warmest regards and natal day wishes from Saphire Sue and Dark Roger.
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