![]() A mythical and magical journey, started by one and carried on by another. Most is true, just shrouded in the mythical realm. Tales of the Great Gumba, his Bride Kerry the Bard, and a large assortment of many Immortals and Lessor Hoardes, his life in the Great Northron Regions and all that happens therein. Huzzah!!! |
Wednesday, April 06, 2005Master Mage Twas spring in the Great Northron Region, the snow was almost melted and the season of mud had begun.
The spring rains brought forth some flooding and minor mudslides. The birds are starting to return in earnest, the Loons and Doves, the Sparrows and Eagles, all are coming home to roost for the summer. Spring is the time of rebirth and wonderment; a time when all things old change to something new and new beginnings become abundant. Such is the case with Prince Louhgdaugh. For months the Prince has been studying the ways of the Mage. The power to control the elements, Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and most of all, Lightning. Only the Master Mage can control Lightning, for it is a fierce element that can sense fear and trepidation. Only the Master Mage can call it at his will and control its path. A most powerful allie, this element, for it can devastate an entire valley or be as precise as taking out just a single tree. It seems only fitting that Prince Loughdaugh, Keeper of the Eternal Flame of the Immortals, be bestowed with such an honor, however, even the Immortals cannot grant this wish, only the Master Mage Counsel of twelve can grant such a request. This is no small feat, for one must first gain permission from the counsel of twelve to study the lore of the most secret Mage spells. Then you must study for months under the tutelage of all twelve of the counsel, one at a time, for a period of one month each. Thus it takes a minimum, of a full year, of hard study to even begin the process. Then you must sit in front of the counsel of twelve for hours and answer questions about ones character and reasoning for wanting such power. Then they debate amongst themselves, this can take another full year. However, when they are done debating amongst themselves, their edict is swift. If they grant you the honor of becoming a Master Mage, with the power to call down the power of lightning, you will become one of the most revered and sought after Mages in the Land. Truly, only an Immortal should have this power, for it is all consuming and all-powerful. Only the true at heart can wield this privilege properly. Thus, Prince Loughdaugh set out to acquire such knowledge and permission. It was a long year of study, many long nights of incantations and spells. Calling forth the lesser elements first, learning how to control them and learning to use their power wisely, then learning how to control ones self with the great power that you learn to wield. The counsel members watch, listen and learn about the candidate, each having a month to bestow their own knowledge and thoughts upon each person individually. When it comes time to come together and discuss on whether or not to grant such permission, their task may or may not be an easy one. However, it is with just cause and determination that they do come together and decide the fate of one: Prince Loughdaugh. For several months, the counsel deliberated, and finally they came to an agreement. A Proclamation was sent to Prince Louhgdaugh, it read as follows: WE the counsel of twelve, After having spent a full year, four seasons, 365 cycles of the moon phase with Prince Loughdaugh. Having taught the Prince the ways of the Elements, Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. Teaching him respect and giving him much knowledge in the ways of the Mage. Do hereby grant: Prince Loughdaugh, Keeper of the Eternal flame of the Immortals, The Status of Master Mage, with all the rights and privileges associated with said title. It is also herby decreed that Prince Loughdaugh will be allowed to call forth the most powerful of all the elements, Lightning, and use it only, for the good of mankind. So it was said, so it will be written. Decreed this day by the Counsel of Twelve. So Sayeth the Great White Sage of the Northron Regions.
Huzzah to the Prince, the Master Mage! Raise a tankard in his honor! Then, have him call forth the lightning to the outlet in my daughter's bedroom!
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