Monday, April 25, 2005
The Feast of Passing
Kerry the Bard, Catherine of Khatadin and the Great Gumba, arrived at the castle of Dark Roger and Sapphire Sue. The trio was greeted with much fanfare and heraldry.
After the usual pleasantries were exchanged, libations were broken out and consumption began, for this was the feast of Passing.
Someone was missing, The Red Prince, Otter Queen and Otter Princess, great disappointment fell upon the Gumbas brow, for it had been to long since the two great warriors had seen, or even spoken to each other.
Vanity and Machismo, two words that can destroy cultures and civilizations.
Karyne, the sister of Kerry the Bard and Catherine of Khatadin, also was in attendance, along with her daughter, The Stable Princess, Danyella, the only woman who can ride the fabled winged horse.
The wine was poured and all sat around the sacred table, Roger extol of the great exodus of his people and how they ate unleavened bread and bitter herbs. He also spoke of his leaders and how they helped calm the people.
The Gumba was even honored by being able to read part of the tale of the exodus, a great and noble deed.
When part of the story was done, Sapphire Sue had dinner served: Soup with large round balls of bread, Boiled eggs, Bitter herbs, Green leafy things and large amounts of LAMB, succulent, tender, moist, LAMB. Food of the gods.
Roger had outdone himself this time, the feast was magnificent.
After the meal, the last part of the story was told, this is as important as the feast itself, one must remember what once was, in order not to make the same mistakes as his forefathers. It is just like the fire of remberance.
Then came the desserts, yuuummmyyyy, dark, rich, decadent chocolate truffle, and an orange, macaroon tort, served with the sweetest wine.
All was well, for the Gumba and his Bard were going to see The Red Prince on the morrow.
So Sayeth the Great White Sage
Friday, April 22, 2005
A Reunion?
It was the day before the journey was to begin, preparations were being made and the Great Gumba was pensive.
Prince Loughdaugh had agreed to watch over Castle Catalano and make sure no one tried to usurp the Gumbas lands before he returned.
The mighty beasts new the Gumba and the Bard were leaving, but they also knew they would be back.
The Gumba and his Bard were going to the Mans fields of dreams to break bread with the Bards kin, for they celebrated differently from the Gumba, that which was spring.
Dark Roger and Sapphire Sue, the Bards Kin, asked them to be present at the great feast of Passing.
A great treat awaited the Gumba, as the Red Prince was fabled to also have been invited.
The Red Prince, The Otter Queen and the Otter Princess, quite the sight to behold.
It has been many a moon cycle since the Gumba and his Bard have seen the Red Prince and the Otter Queen, How have each changed, he wonders.
Once the Red Prince fought side by side with the Great Gumba against the likes of Floyd the Destroyer and the Fable Homer, with Blazon red hair, arms like tree trunks, not a man like you or I.
Swords at the ready, magick on their side and great beasts to watch their backs, the two Immortals were unstoppable in battle.
None could stand against the two, tho many have tried, and failed.
What will the journey bring?
Only time will tell.
So Sayeth the Great White Sage!
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
A Druidian Spring
The beginning of the spring Equinox, and the sun was bright, the wind blew gently and the birds sang a joyful song.
The Great Gumba sat on a wall of Castle Catalano and surveyed all that was his, and some that was not, but soon would be.
Spring had finally come to the Great Northron Region, a time of rebirth and newness.
The snow had all melted and the ice flows have disappeared, the last vestiges were washed away by the great rains of spring, banishing the winter for another year.
The Great Gumba thanked the gods for such a wonderful life, for he had his Bard, a great Castle and the Mighty Beasts. Feasting would soon begin in earnest, as the great fire pits would soon be ablaze, for it was spring and all was well.
Soon, a familiar face would come to Castle Catalano, that of the Great White Sage, master storyteller, Sage, Mage, and most of all, friend.
He will come to tell all about spring and what it has meant through out time, to all that could write and record.
The Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard look forward to this right of spring every year, for all who call the Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard friend, learn much about all and all about much. For the Sage is wise and remembers and knows much, and he loves to tell you all he knows, although, sometimes in riddle.
The Great White Sage will come and talk about the Spring Equinox, a time of rebirth,
Also known to some as Ostera.
The Goddess Eostre, the Saxon Lunar Goddess of Fertility is a deity that was once honored at this time of year.
A time of Fertility rights, of the physical, the metaphysical, and of the earthly rights, as well.
The Druids will light fires as the dawn sun breaks the horizon, signifying the rebirth of light to the mother earth, they will ring bells, and they will also decorate raw and hard-boiled eggs, a tradition that may linger on.
They will rejoice much, for spring brings new beginnings.
The Sage will recount, how when he was young and the Druids still walked the earth, he was privileged to one such ritual, all will ask him to recount it, and he will.
It was Dawn, the Sage will say, as the sun broke the horizon many great fires were lit, from high in a tree one could see they formed a huge circle around an area.
The priestess would then form a circle in the ground, a representation of the green goddess.
An altar, usually made of wood or stone, would be erected in the center of this circle facing north.
A green candle would be placed in the center of the altar to signify the goddess; to the right of the altar would be a charcoal block upon which Sage would be burning.
To the Left of the Altar a bowl of Hard Boiled eggs, decorated with runes, fertility designs and magickal symbols.
Before the candle, would be placed, the Sacred Athame.
The ritual would soon begin.
The priestess would sprinkle salt around the circle to purify it and then trace the circle with her staff, starting in the east the priestess would then sanctify the circle.
Blessed be this circle, in the divine name of Ostara, ancient goddess of fertility and spring. In her name and under her protection is the sacred rite now begun.
Then the priestess would light the candle and sage, she would then kneel in front of the altar and placing her hand over her heart would say,
Blessed be the fertility goddess, blessed be her springtime rite. Blessed be the sun god king, blessed be his light.
Then the goddess would draw her ceremonial dagger and place the blade flat against her forehead and say,
The sun has crossed the celestial equator, giving sun and moon equal hours, goddess spring is reborn at last, her beauty gives life to the trees and flowers.
Blessed be the divine green goddess, she is the creatress of all living things. Blessed be the lord of the greenwood, to goddess and god I sing.
Awaken one, Awaken all, and hear the voices of the goddess call. Blessed be our mother earth, may she be filled with peace, magick and love. The goddess breathes life. The goddess gives life. The goddess is life. She reigns supreme. Blessed be.
The ceremony ends with the candle being extinguished and the circle being uncast.
The eggs are eaten by all in attendance and the shells thrown into one of the fires, as an offering to mother earth.
The Great White Sage would end with a smile and say, that made me thirsty; bring me some ale to quench my thirst.
The feasting would begin soon after.
So Sayeth the Great Gumba. Huzzah to the White Sage.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Master Mage
Twas spring in the Great Northron Region, the snow was almost melted and the season of mud had begun.
The spring rains brought forth some flooding and minor mudslides.
The birds are starting to return in earnest, the Loons and Doves, the Sparrows and Eagles, all are coming home to roost for the summer.
Spring is the time of rebirth and wonderment; a time when all things old change to something new and new beginnings become abundant.
Such is the case with Prince Louhgdaugh.
For months the Prince has been studying the ways of the Mage.
The power to control the elements, Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and most of all, Lightning.
Only the Master Mage can control Lightning, for it is a fierce element that can sense fear and trepidation.
Only the Master Mage can call it at his will and control its path. A most powerful allie, this element, for it can devastate an entire valley or be as precise as taking out just a single tree.
It seems only fitting that Prince Loughdaugh, Keeper of the Eternal Flame of the Immortals, be bestowed with such an honor, however, even the Immortals cannot grant this wish, only the Master Mage Counsel of twelve can grant such a request.
This is no small feat, for one must first gain permission from the counsel of twelve to study the lore of the most secret Mage spells.
Then you must study for months under the tutelage of all twelve of the counsel, one at a time, for a period of one month each.
Thus it takes a minimum, of a full year, of hard study to even begin the process.
Then you must sit in front of the counsel of twelve for hours and answer questions about ones character and reasoning for wanting such power.
Then they debate amongst themselves, this can take another full year.
However, when they are done debating amongst themselves, their edict is swift.
If they grant you the honor of becoming a Master Mage, with the power to call down the power of lightning, you will become one of the most revered and sought after Mages in the Land.
Truly, only an Immortal should have this power, for it is all consuming and all-powerful.
Only the true at heart can wield this privilege properly.
Thus, Prince Loughdaugh set out to acquire such knowledge and permission.
It was a long year of study, many long nights of incantations and spells.
Calling forth the lesser elements first, learning how to control them and learning to use their power wisely, then learning how to control ones self with the great power that you learn to wield.
The counsel members watch, listen and learn about the candidate, each having a month to bestow their own knowledge and thoughts upon each person individually.
When it comes time to come together and discuss on whether or not to grant such permission, their task may or may not be an easy one.
However, it is with just cause and determination that they do come together and decide the fate of one: Prince Loughdaugh.
For several months, the counsel deliberated, and finally they came to an agreement.
A Proclamation was sent to Prince Louhgdaugh, it read as follows:
WE the counsel of twelve,
After having spent a full year, four seasons, 365 cycles of the moon phase with
Prince Loughdaugh.
Having taught the Prince the ways of the Elements, Earth, Wind, Fire and Water.
Teaching him respect and giving him much knowledge in the ways of the Mage.
Do hereby grant: Prince Loughdaugh, Keeper of the Eternal flame of the Immortals,
The Status of Master Mage, with all the rights and privileges associated with said title.
It is also herby decreed that Prince Loughdaugh will be allowed to call forth the most
powerful of all the elements, Lightning, and use it only, for the good of mankind.
So it was said, so it will be written.
Decreed this day by the Counsel of Twelve.
So Sayeth the Great White Sage of the Northron Regions.
Friday, April 01, 2005
The Journey
The Great Gumba and the Lord of Tri-Deamon set out on a journey to the Norr Woods of the Mans fields of dreams.
It was a spring day, a week after the Great Green Feast of Paddy Dom, The sun was out and the sky was blue, but the Mage foretold of Snow.
They climbed into the green chariot of the Gumba and rode for hours, from the Great Northron woods to the Norr woods. Passing the time by reminiscing about what once was, for the Lord of Tri-Deamon had never heard of all the stories from the Norr woods and the exploits therein.
The Great Gumba had heard that the Norr woods had changed since he was gone, that the people had caught a terrible disease that afflicts the Brain in many strange ways, they say the disease is called Lyberolisme.
It makes people think that others should be responsible for the actions of one another and that the ruler of the kingdom should support them.
That great conquest and battle is a thing of pure evil, swords should be outlawed and no one shall have fun.
They have even tried to put rules on the Great Green Feast of Paddydom, and the worst part, Feasting is frowned upon.
The Great Gumba and the Lord of Tri-Deamon arrive in the Norr Woods, and are greeted by the herbologist known as Dawn of Deed Ham.
After the usual pleasantries were exchanged, the Great Gumba exclaimed, Let us go and find a place to feast.
Oh my said Dawn of Deed Ham, we cannot feast, for that is wrong, we may however go and find some sustenance to satiate our hunger.
(The Gumba is glad he lives in the Great Northron Region).
After a plate of what seemed like, grass, and a little, bite sized piece of meat, the Gumba, Lord Tri-Deamon and Dawn went to view Dawns new castle.
What a grand castle it was, looming on the hill like a great beast, waiting to pounce.
Surrounded by trees and grass, and small furry animals.
The Gumba had come to the Norrr Woods to help Dawn of Deed Ham set up a perimeter of protection around her new castle, for you see, unlike the Northron Region, people would try and storm your castle and take what is yours and make it theirs, a side effect of Lyberolisme.
The Gumba suggested a great moat, filled with waste oil from the great frying pots,
We have no such frying pots, Said Dawn of Deed Ham.
But without waste oil how can you light the moat on fire, exclaimed the Great Gumba.
We cannot light a fire; it might endanger the little furry animals. Said Dawn of Deed Ham
The Gumba was stumped, then ring your castle with a stonewall, with pointy ones on top, said the Gumba.
We cannot do that either, some peasant might get hurt and would demand payment for it, Said Dawn.
The Gumba suggested many other fine ideas for protecting the castle but all were not to be allowed in the Norr Woods.
Finally the Gumba and Dawn agreed upon a sentinel, who would stand, unarmed, on top of the hill, across from the castle, and whistle if someone was trying to invade.
(The Gumba was glad he lived in the Great Northron Regions yet again).
The great snow, that was predicted by the Mage, never came to fruition.
The day progressed and many more adventures awaited the Gumba and the Duke of Tri-Deamon.