The Bar Maid had ancient writing tattooed upon her chest and arms, a cotton gauze shirt covered most, but not all. She new how to get tips from the men. She poured a fair measure ale and was attentive to the bar wenches, which kept all who sat, with flagons full, of ale and honey mead.
The Great Gumba and his Bard Kerry entered first, with Catherine of Khatadin and Melchior right behind. The great Mid Wife was already there and summoned them to her table.
The women all stopped and stared as Melchior went passed them, this puzzles the Gumba greatly, but it is, what it is.
The Bar wenches all flocked to serve Melchior, but only the fairest would he pick?
For that is how Melchior liked it, surrounded by beautiful women all the time.
Kerry the Bard and Catherine of Khatadin ordered first, ALE, in your largest flagon, drawn from the depths of the ice caves, they requested, Aye I too would like a flagon shouted the Great Gumba. With steely eyes the bar wench looked around until her eyes met with Melchiors, and she practically swooned into his lap.
A wisp of a lass she was, 5 ft, 100lbs soaking wet, with long blonde hair, Melchior of course was smitten, as always!
She went to fetch the ale as Melchior spoke; now we must drink and above all have fun, for we are preparing for the Great Green Feast of Paddydom. The wench returned with the flagons of ale, frost on the flagons and ice crystals floating within, with a flagon hoisted high, Melchior proclaimed, To all in attendance tonight, we start the week long celebration of Paddydom, only to culminate on the day of the Great Green Feast.
Long life and prosperity to all who claim to be friends of the Gumba and his Bard.
Huzzah, shouted the crowd, Long life and prosperity.
The consumption began, the fire pits were lit, and meat was soon to be cooked.
All was well at the Great Wells of the Works of Water, the ale flowed, the wenches danced, and Melchior………………………….?