Alas, the original Red Book has long been locked away. Locked away in the castle of the Red Prince. A few stories have been remembered or found on scraps of paper, this is one of those stories.
One could almost believe that the Great Gumba was a literary aficionado, for no sooner had the Red Prince made known his loyal warrior thoughts of friendship, than the Great Gumba did hold an impromptu feast.
Since feasting is one of the strong suits of the Great Gumba, great slabs of wild beast were placed upon the Giant Grill of Hellfires. Along with the delectable roasting meats were fine cobs of corn, squash and shrooms. Around the environs of the Great Gumba, the smaller towns were called hamlets or grillages.
Tonight, the finest grillage was in maximum effect as they had offered their best meats to the immortals. The smell of happytizers filled the nose of the Red Prince with much glee.
Shrimps and chips were eaten in abundance.
When what had seemed a million years had passed, the Great Gumba at long last served up the huge piles of grilled fair.
Mounds of grillage were messily devoured by one and all alike. Kerry the Bard was careful to not let her fingers stray to near the steaming platter of the half-starved Red Prince, for fear of losing a digit or two in the feeding frenzy. Butter and steak sauce were flying all over in a mad storm of unbridled consumption. The Great Gumba had done well.
As if that were not enough, a dessert of silky strawberries was introduced to the naughty cream. The cream had to be spanked and whipped for it’s saucy remarks to the strawberries, which soaked ever so deeply into the soft dreamy embrace of the shortcake.
One could almost feel the growing passion between the berries and the sweet, sweet cake bed. Together, the Cream of Spanking, Saucy Strawberries and Sweet, Sweet Shortcake shared a tingling intense ménage a tois that fairly exploded onto the pallets of the Immortals. The Great Gumba could barely restrain himself as he licked the bed of the tantalizing dessert.
Long live the Great Gumba.
So retells the story by the Great White Sage of the Northron Regions