A mythical and magical journey, started by one and carried on by another.
Most is true, just shrouded in the mythical realm.
Tales of the Great Gumba, his Bride Kerry the Bard, and a large assortment of many Immortals and Lessor Hoardes, his life in the Great Northron Regions and all that happens therein.

Thursday, December 30, 2004 

Eve's Anew

It is almost the end of another year. Four seasons have passed yet again.
Time for the winter snows and the passing of all that is old. Time for the cold winds of the north to blow and all the creatures of the forest to find shelter from the cold, icy denizens of the Great Northron Regions.

The Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard have planned a great feast for the last night of the year.

Many have been invited, mortal and immortal alike.
The Shamans from Down under,
The Great Katherine of Khatadin,
Marie of the Shires of York,
Prince Loughdagh and his Mighty Hound,
And many many more.

The Great Gumba is especially pleased, for his kin, The Wonderous Red the Irish, philosopher and Sage has brought his fiance, Jillian the Fair, to spend time with the Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard on this very special of Eves Anew.

Red the Irish was Racing Ma's favorite of all her Kin, for he came and visited when others would not. He came and stayed when the White Haired Hermit would rant about everything, this often amused Red the Irish. He was the one who cared.
So it is good that he is here to help celebrate the new.

Time: for family and freinds.
Time: for all who call the Gumba friend.
Time: to remember the past years battles, won or lost.
Time: to remember the past years triumphs and failures.
Time: to remember the friend’s made and all the good times had by all.
Time also to begin looking forward to the coming year and making choices, from which, will shape the New Year.

The fire pit of remembrance will be lit just before midnight, and all will talk of what was, this past year. All will remember and pass on what was learned.

Much dancing and merriment will be had and many libations will be drunk. Possibly a song or two will be sung, who knows. Whatever happens it will be good.

The fires of feasting will be ablaze and many carcasses will be cooked to satiate the denizens of the Great Gumba.
All will feast, all will hopefully enjoy, but mostly, all will hopefully bask in each others friendship.

It is good, that all of the Gumbas friends will be in attendance, that all will have fun and be safe, but mostly that they are together on this most special of Eves Anew.

So sayeth: the Great White Sage of the Great Northron Region.




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