Tonight is a glorious night, for tonight is the halfway point between Mabon (the second harvest) and Samhain (the third and final harvest).
This is the time the veil between our world and the netherworld is the thinnest. A time for much rejoicing, dancing feasting and libations.
It is a time of reflection, enlightenment and wonderment.
A time when the lesser hordes, (also known as mortals), get to rejoice and feast with the immortals. It is also a time when some mortals get to transcend into immortal status.
The likes of the Great Gumba and Kerry the Bard watch, listen and learn all year, to hopefully find one mortal who is worthy of transcending the veil and become one of the immortals. For this is how the Great Gumba himself became an immortal, The Great White Sage bestowed this privilege onto the Great One many moons ago.
Tonight is a night of much magic and rejoicing, the Gods of the four points are in attendance, the elemental Gods are also present, for tonight one shall transcend the veil.
Tonight, one shall become part of the immortal world and join forces with Kerry the Bard, The Great Gumba, Catherine of Kahtadin and others, to watch over the lesser hordes.
Let us understand what this means, tonight one shall become part of the whole. One shall be named. One shall learn of their great heritage, their heritage within their name.
Let us learn of Daighgas, the fire God, Daigh meaning Flame or Fire, HGAS is a sir name. This one is easy.
LUGH, Son of Cian and Eithnu called the long handed or far shooter, sun God par excellence.
He possesses a magic spear and magic hound.
The Milky Way is called Lugh’s chain.
He is the master of all art.
An accomplished carpenter, smith, warrior, harpist, poet, physician, cupbearer and bronze worker.
The Festival of Lughnasadh heralds summers end.
Let us celebrate this new immortal.
Come forward into the light.
Tonight, you become an immortal, you join the ranks of
The Great Gumba, Kerry the Bard and
Catherine of Kahtadin.
Tonight you become part of the Legends of the White Sage; you are and will remain part of the legacy that is the RED BOOK.
On this hallowed eve you will be empowered to do great and wondrous things, things that are only limited by your mind and will.
We the immortals bestow upon you your first set of immortal reignments, wear them well, for they will protect you from all that is evil, all that may wish to harm you.
It will protect you as long as you are true of heart and pure of intent.
Woven by the hands of the Bard herself, made with love and care.
Spun with the threads of the cloak of Antioch and that of the Golden Fleece. It shall serve you well in times of need.
May it keep you warm and dry.
Now, your weapon.
As your namesake LUGH, your weapon is that of a spear.
Forged from a tine of Poseidon’s trident.
It has twin blades, resembling a tuning fork and laps of flame.
A crimson shaft, made from a mixture of steel and bronze.
The bottom is adorned with a dragon’s claw.
The tuning forks, to remind you of the tranquility of the resonance of time and friendship.
The laps of flame because you are named after a fire god.
The crimson shaft of mixed metal to remind you of the strength of the melding of dissimilar objects to form one that is stronger than either by themselves.
The dragon’s claw is symbolic of your strength as a warrior.
A claw from one of the most mystical and magical creatures to ever walk the earth.
Most feared and revered, the dragon is most powerful.
Together with your cloak, you have been adorned with much.
Let us ask the gods for their blessing, and let them allow you to become one of the immortals.
Prince LOUGHDAIGH keeper of the immortal flame.
All that are present, Mortal, Immortal, and spiritual give your blessing this night to the one that shall be known from this day forward as PRINCE LOUGHDAIGH keeper of the immortal flame.
For he is a good man, a righteous man and a man of deep conviction.
The Great Gumba, Kerry the Bard, and Catherine of Kahtadin all vouch for him and ask that you allow him to cross the veil and become one of the immortals.
All that are here, past, present and future, all that have gathered and will gather, this is a great night, for tonight,
PRINCE LOUGHDAIGH, keeper of the immortal flame was allowed to cross the veil and join his brethren the immortals.
So on this night the Great Gumba, has gained new Allies in the fight for good.
Huzzah to The Great Gumba
Huzzah to Kerry the Bard
Huzzah to Catherine of Kahtadin
Huzzah to Prince LOUGHDAIGH the keeper of the immortal flame.
So it was written into the RED BOOK.
So sayeth the Great White Sage.