A mythical and magical journey, started by one and carried on by another.
Most is true, just shrouded in the mythical realm.
Tales of the Great Gumba, his Bride Kerry the Bard, and a large assortment of many Immortals and Lessor Hoardes, his life in the Great Northron Regions and all that happens therein.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004 

A Rememberance of birth (Part 1)

It was going to be a day of exceptional feasting, for today was the Great Gumbas Birthday. Immortals need not celebrate birthdays, however it was one of the few mortal pleasures that the Great Gumba still enjoyed.
It was a beautiful September day; all the little fuzzy forest creatures came to bid the Great Gumba a happy day. The sky was bright blue and a tiny breeze blew in the trees.
Today was going to be glorious.

The Bard had summoned many for a great feast; barrels of mead and ale were arriving by carriage.
Great carcasses of meat were being prepared for the great fire of feasting and the Great Gumba reveled in the glory of it all.

One by one, the guests arrived, Mortals and Immortals alike, for today all could enjoy what was once only allowed to immortals.

The doctors from down under, who are versed in the ways of Shamantic holistic healing,
And the great mid-wife from the Penobscot, were among the first to arrive.

Then came Prince Loughdaugh, with much fanfare, astride his mighty hemmi, a fierce fire breathing behemoth able to pull and carry much.
Next to him his escort for the evening, a lovely creature indeed, and as always his mighty hound.

Next came the ever-lovely Catherine of Khatadin, and Madam M of York and her entourage.

All were bearing good tidings and gifts for the Great Gumba.

Next arrived the Duke of the Was lands astride his mighty and fierce red dragon.
The Duke won much favor this evening for he brought new libations for the Great Gumba to try.

Then came the Duchess and Duke of TriDeamon, a great and vast kingdom north of Castle Catalano.
All had come to enjoy the day, for all knew that great feasting and much merriment was about to be had by all.

Kerry the Bard raised her great lyre and proclaimed that the feast had begun.

The day was young and the evening had yet to be.

(To be continued)

I love trying to figure out who everyone is!
This is sooo cool. The best part is all of the truth behind the stories. This is a story full of love of many different kinds!
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