![]() A mythical and magical journey, started by one and carried on by another. Most is true, just shrouded in the mythical realm. Tales of the Great Gumba, his Bride Kerry the Bard, and a large assortment of many Immortals and Lessor Hoardes, his life in the Great Northron Regions and all that happens therein. Huzzah!!! |
Monday, November 22, 2004Part 2 All were in attendance, mortal and immortal alike.
Great barrels of Mead and Ale were tapped, carcasses of venison and pig were put on great spits and were roasting over the great fire pit of feasting. The aromas filled the air, much dancing and merriment was beginning. It was going to be a great feast. One by one, the immortals and mortals alike, brought forth their gifts of good tidings to the Great Gumba. Barrels of Ale from Prince Loughdaugh. Implements of feasting, from the Duchess and Duke of TriDeamon. Barrels of Wine from the Duke of Was-Land (Red Dragon Fire Wine) Pieces of Gold and Silver from the Shamans from Down Under. Much, much more was to come, for the Great Gumba had many friends and all were welcome that night at Castle Catalano. Once the gifts were opened and all had feasted aplenty on good meat and mead, the great fire pit of feasting was rekindled. The fire of remembrance was about to be lit. This honor was bestowed upon Prince Loughdaugh. It is customary for immortals to light a fire of remembrance in such situations, it allows them to help pass on stories of things past. The telling of such stories assures that time alone cannot destroy what once was, only when the story need not be told is when the story will no longer be remembered. Prince Loughdaugh summoned the power of his mighty trident and that of his ancestors, A mighty whoosh was heard and felt as the fire was lit, all grew quiet for a moment. There in the smoke was the Prince, laughing quite gregariously, the grass around the pit singed, he sometimes can be a little over zealous. The time for remberance had come, the moon was full, the sky was bright and the forest was quiet. Out of the dark stepped Catherine of Khatadin, I have the story of remembrance, she said. Let us hear it, cried the Great Gumba, yes, cried the Bard, Let us hear it. Hear ye, Hear ye, one and all I have a tale to tell Of Merlin’s and Bards and magic things And great feasting days as well. For in the nineteen hundred and fifty sixth year The 11th of September I am told Was the day great feasting and drinking began For Immortals both young and old. For on that day, was born a King A Warrior, Magician and Sage. He can make the mountains tremble and shake And the Seas calm their quivering waves. His escapades are known, both far and wide Their are tales of cunning and might Of slaying all evil with his massive sword And feasting late into the night. He rules the Northron regions From his Castle Catalano Throne The sultry music of his beautiful Bard, Kerry Keeps him close to home. Now on this very special day The immortals and mortals combined Gather round the Great Fire Pit of delight To pay homage (and be wined and dined!) Therefore I, the Great Catherine of Khatadin decree By the powers of the elements four This be a day for much feasting, merriment and joy From the mountains to the seas, to the moors. So with mugs raised high to the Northron air We say a loud HUZZAH To the warrior, sage, and the friend of all To the Mighty Great Gumba! Not a dry eye was to be seen around the great fire of remembrance. The air was still, the forest was silent. A great low growl was heard, it grew and grew. Twas the Great Gumba, HUZZAH, HUZZAH. The ground shook as the Gumba extolled, Thank you oh Great Catherine of Khatadin, none shall forget this night, for the story is tried and true. All was well that night, the feasting went on well into the wee hours, and all was good. So ends the night of remembrance. So Sayeth the Great White Sage.
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