The Great
Gumba poses many questions, to others, as well as himself.
But the
greatest question is why?
Why do Immortals and the Lessor
Hoardes act as they do.
Why does jealousy, anger, fear and distrust, follow the immortals, like the
Only the mundane humans are the ones who deal with these
petty emotions.
But, alas, no, even some of the newer Immortals find themselves bound by their mortal feelings.
They fade after a while, being replaced by logic, reason and trust.
thus why, not everyone gets included in the Red Book. Only those
worthy get to be included in the annals of time.
So, the question goes, is why, why do some insist on hanging on to the old ways of emotion.
This question will probably never get answered.
Huzzah to the Great
sayeht the Great White Sage of the
Northron Region.
Aye, some stories need to be told.'
Tis I, the Great Hound of
Tulloch-Great Beast to my Lady
Murran Davidson-she who has come from the Isle in the mists-Iona of Old.
Long have I been at watch by her side.
Long have I been her companion and cherished friend and she my great Mistress.
Long have been our days together. But that is another story to be told.
Honored we are by the tale and the memory of the Great Beast
Honored also by the tale of the Valkyries--Praise and Honor to the life of
Blessed be
Blessed be
Huzzah to the Great white Sage and the Great
Honor and fealty for the welcome given to us in the
Northron Regions.
My Lady and her Lord have chosen to settle in the castle of Glen
na Gael, in the
Northron Regions, not far from the Great
Gumba. From our vantage points we can visualize one
anothers turrets upon a fair summer eve. I, the Great Hound do believe that there will be some feasting and merry times, some holy times and other times between my Lady
Murran, her Lord, and the Great
Gumba and his wife, Kerry the Bard.I am looking forward to the feasting and the company and what falls to the floors during the feasting--and will think on
Braxton who will not be among us.
sayeth the Great Hound of
Huzzah to The Great Hound of
Sayeth the Great White Sage of the
Northron Regions.